


About Us:

A man's head with a beard and woolly hat, in front of some old ruins of a castle

Andy, Founder, Editor and creator of stuff

”I fell in love with the ultra community, and became involved with the freely distributed Ultra Tales e-zine. When that folded I took a pile of redundancy money from my ‘real’ day job and started ULTRA. That was six years ago. Now, 12 issues, four Hangman races and two ULTRA festivals later, and with a great team including new boy Robin, I’m looking forward to producing Issue 13 and whatever else ULTRA life will bring.”


Stuart, Designer

“I’ve worked on the mag since redesigning it for issue 7. I started out working in London design agencies before setting up my own studio in 2012. Since then I’ve been lucky enough to work with some great brands including Speedo and SuperDry. I’m a casual weekend runner, not likely to stray more than 5k from home, unless I’m chasing a football.”

Robin, marketing and comms stuff

“I discovered ULTRA magazine when I met Andy on a Dragon’s Back recce, and I loved it from the first moment I picked it up and flicked through its pages. I contacted Andy during the summer of 2020 to see if I could get involved in some way and help take ULTRA forward. As I have a background in business development it became obvious that my commercial skills complement Andy and the team’s creative talents.”


Amy, Features Editor

“I’ve been working on ULTRA since its launch. I met Andy through the kids’ school and I am most definitely not a runner, apart from a very brief 10k phase; but I do love the mag and the community. My background is in publishing, both books and magazines.”
